Leonardo's Library

The impact of literacy on a person's growth and success is magical.  
The negative effect of illiteracy is severe.  
The statistics are alarming:


• Only 31% of America’s 8th-grade students—and roughly the same percentage of 12th graders—meet the National Assessment of Educational Progress standard of reading “proficiency” for their grade level

• Among low-income 8th graders, just 15% read at a proficient level



• 43% of people with the lowest literacy skills live in poverty
• 17% of people with the lowest literacy skills receive food stamps
• 70% of people with the lowest literacy skills have no job
• College graduates earn twice the income as high school drop-outs


How We Help - 

LeonardosLibrary.org provides reading material and tutoring to families that receive some form of government or non-profit support including helping children in orphanages, foster homes, hospitals, churches and similar organizations. 

manages donations in three ways:

- We provide age-appropriate books of interest and art supplies to children, up through high school

B - We encourage parents to participate in reading and drawing or painting with their children by requesting them to write to us about the accomplishments they've had reading with their kids

C - We plan to expand free group tutoring and test prep to middle and high school kids that show interest and success in school, work, sports, and society.

It costs about $25-30 a month to provide reading material for a young child.  It costs roughly five times that amount to hold a one-hour group session for older students.  Please donate to 

LeonardosLibrary.org (a 501(c)(3) organization) to help us provide materials and tutoring. 

Our goal is to raise $25,000 by the end-of-the-year. With these funds, we will broaden our  art supplies and book-giving reach, include eBook readers (which cost between $80-$100) that provide more reading material for less money, and expand free tutoring and test prep. 

Leonardo's Library 

Tutoring for kids of all ages

875 Island Drive, #211, Alameda, CA, 94502
